Accommodations in Boothbay Harbor near Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens (Boothbay Harbor, USA)
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$160per night
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$236per night
Expected price for:Oct 2024
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Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens (Boothbay Harbor, USA)
Visitors to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens travel from across the globe to discover and explore the natural beauty of mid-coast Maine. The Gardens is located on 270 acres of tidal shore land with 14 acres of accessible cultivated gardens and miles of woodland hiking trails. CMBG has become a popular destination for visitors of all ages and abilities. Whether guests prefer to stroll through a garden, build a fairy house in the woods, take a boat ride along the shore, or hike through a canopy of trees, there is something for the entire family to do at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. The Kitchen Garden Café and Gardens Gift Shop are also open when the Gardens is open – April 15 through October. Ranked the #1 public garden by TripAdvisor, the Gardens welcomed more than 105,000 guests in 2014. Not bad for a 21st century garden perched on the edge of the continent in Boothbay, Maine. For more information, including hours of operation and admission rates, visit our website.
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132 Botanical Gardens Dive, 04537, Telephone: +1(207) 633 - 4333 | Official site