Accommodations in Glasgow near Glasgow Green (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
$49per night
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$164per night
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$69per night
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Glasgow Green (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Glasgow Green is the oldest park in the city and is situated close to the town centre. Within its 55 hectares, one can find a play area, a point of view on the river Clyde and a Heavy horse stable. The People’s Palace, the city’s social history museum is also found within the grounds, and the Doulton Fountain, built for the 1888 International Exhibition in Kelvingrove and later moved to Glasgow Green, is now situated in front of this museum. Winter gardens complete the Glasgow Green ensemble. Historical walking tours of the park, conducted by the park rangers are available. The park is part of the Glasgow to Edinburgh Cycle Route. A number of events take place yearly within the park, including the World Pipe Band Championship, the Glasgow Show, the Great Scottish Run, fireworks displays, as well as a number of concerts. The park is always open, and toilets are available at certain times.
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Glasgow Green, G40 1BA, Telephone: +44(141)2875108 | Official site