Accommodations in Tulum near Gran Cenote (Tulum, Mexico)
$110per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$105per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
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Gran Cenote (Tulum, Mexico)
Cenotes are naturally occuring ‘sink holes’ typically found in Mexico and the Caribbean. Gran Cenote is one such sink hole in the Tulum area which is open for diving and snorkeling and can be found just off the Tulum to Coba road, approximately 4 km from Tulum. This large cave system that includes huge stalagmites and stalactites, surrounded by rock columns and exotic flowers and has a maximum depth of 10 m (32 ft). The site is open everyday from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Price: US$5 entrance fee. Other fees apply for tours and/or equipment rental and guided diving.
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Gran Cenote, 77760, Telephone: +52(984)8030809 | Official site