Accommodations in Lancaster near Ingleborough Cave (Lancaster, United Kingdom)
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$99per night
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Ingleborough Cave (Lancaster, United Kingdom)
Ingleborough Cave is on the south side of Ingleborough, just off the A65 Leeds/Skipton/Kendal trunk road. There is a short 2km walk from the car park up to the cave in the form of a nature trail passing a waterfall, an old sawmill then up through woodland. Admission is £7.00 for adults and £3.00 for children. Hard hats must be worn at all times whilst you are in the caves. Not really suitable for disabled visitors due to slopes, narrowness and slight stooping in places. Guided tours of the cave start every hour on the hour. There is a small shop where you can pay for your visit and purchase sweets, chocolate, ice cream, cups of tea/coffee and souvenirs. Toilet facilities (just one toilet and washbasin) are at the side of the shop.
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Ingleborough, LA2 8EE, Telephone: +44(1524)251242 | Official site