Accommodations in Boston near Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (Boston, USA)
$201per night
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$178per night
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$248per night
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$307per night
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Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum (Boston, USA)
The Isabella Stewart Gardner museum contains the art collection of a wealthy art collector who gave her collection to the nation to be opened as an art museum on her death in 1924. The collection includes works by artists such as Rembrandt, Rafael, Titian and Holbein housed in a reconstructed Venetian palazzo which she bought and shipped to Boston. The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm and costs $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for students (with I.D). The museum is near to the Museum of Fine Arts and any visitors called Isabella can get into the ISG Museum for free!
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280 The Fenway, 02115, Telephone: +1(617)5661401 | Fax: +1(617)5667653 | Official site