Accommodations in Edinburgh near Princes Street Gardens (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
$101per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$184per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$225per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$79per night
Expected price for:Oct 2024
$248per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
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Princes Street Gardens (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Princes Street Gardens is located in the heart of Edinburgh city centre and runs down the south side of Princes Street. It was originally a loch called the Nor Loch which was a dumping ground for all the sewage from the Old Town. This was drained and the gardens were created in 1820. They are divided into the East and West Gardens separated by the Mound. In the West Gardens is the Ross Fountain, the Floral Clock and the Ross Band Stand where many summer concerts are held and also holds the Hogmanay celebrations. The East Gardens has the Scott Monument at the entrance to the Gardens and also the National Gallery of Scotland and the Royal Scottish Academy are located there. In the summer it is a popular place to sit and enjoy the view of Edinburgh Castle. In winter it is transformed to a winter wonderland with an ice rink. There is also a German Christmas Market and the Edinburgh Wheel. The West gardens become Santa’s Reindeer Garden with trees festooned with lights and horse and carriage rides.
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Princes Street, Telephone: +44(131)5297921 | Fax: +44(131)3154049 | Official site