Accommodations in Delhi near Qutub Minar (Delhi, India)
$173per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$131per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
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Qutub Minar (Delhi, India)
The construction of the Qutab Minar was started by Qutab-ud-Din Aibak in 1199. The tower is the largest in India and can be seen standing tall from miles around in the Delhi horizon. Constructed in red and buff sandstone and covered with intricate carvings and verses from the Holy Quran. Qutab Minar has five storeys surrounded by a projected balcony and buttressed by stone brackets, which are decked with honeycomb designs. The Qutab Minar is 72.5 meters high and there are 379 steps. The diameter of the base is 14.3 meters while the top floor’s diameter measures 2.7 meters. There are numerous inscriptions on the Qutab Minar in Arabic and Nagari characters. The inscriptions state about the repair work done on the Qutab Minar by different rulers like Firoz Shah Tughlaq, Sikandar Lodi, as well as by Major R. Smith. The Qutab Minar was built on the ruins of Lal Kot, the Red Citadel. In recognition of the historical and cultural significance of the site, the Qutab Minar was added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1993.