Accommodations in Nesebar near Saint Spass Church (Nesebar, Bulgaria)
$72per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$42per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
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$43per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$45per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
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Saint Spass Church (Nesebar, Bulgaria)
St Spass Church is situated in the Old Town of Nessebar and is also known as the Ascension of Christ (Vaznesenie Hristovo). The history of this church dates back to 1609. The building is quite small and measures just 11.7 metres x 5.7 metres with a single nave and apse. It is constructed of stone with a wooden roof. The interior features wall paintings that date from the 17th century. These frescos depict the Life of Christ and the Holy Virgin. St Spass Church is now preserved as a museum. It is open for visiting Monday to Friday (from 10am until 1.30pm and 2pm to 5pm) and on Saturdays and Sundays (10am until 3pm). Admission costs are: Adults (single) - 3lv (1.5 Euros) Adults (groups) - 2.5lv (1,25 Euros) Children and Students (single)- 2lv (1 Euro) Children and Students (groups)- 1.5lv (0.75 Euro).
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The Old Town of Nesebar, Sraria grad, ulitsa Briz, 8230, Telephone: +359(554)46019 | Fax: +359(554)46018 | Official site