Accommodations in Millstatt near Schiller Park (Millstatt, Austria)
$243per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$244per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$241per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
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Schiller Park (Millstatt, Austria)
Schiller Park is a large park lying between the lake and the town. It provides a range of leisure activities including a children’s playground and swimming area which has the oldest diving platform in Carinthia, built in 1930. The name Millstatt is said to derive from the legend of the thousand pagan statues, “mille statuae”, thrown into the lake by the 8th century Christian duke Domitian. A statue of Domitian in the act of throwing a statue stands in the lake by the park. The legend is commemorated every year by a display of sculpture by local artists in the squares and open spaces of the town, including Schiller Park.
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Schiller Park, 9872, Telephone: +43 (4766) 2021 | Fax: +43 (4766) 202120 | Official site