Accommodations in Aspen near Wheeler Opera House (Aspen, USA)
$285per night
Expected price for:Nov 2024
$323per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
$202per night
Expected price for:Sep 2024
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Wheeler Opera House (Aspen, USA)
The Wheeler Opera House looks back on a colourful history. Built in 1888/89 by Jerome B. Wheeler, an accident during the construction of the building caused the first hospital in town to be built. Later on it was devastated by fires and after the silver crush, when the prosperity of the town came to an end, it was used as a playground by children and used as a cinema. It has been totally refurbished and opened its doors again in 1984.Today the Wheeler Opera House shows perfotmances of superstars in the world of pop and pop, jazz, professional opera and ballet, theatre plays and broadway musical, is home to film festivals and a place where private and community events can happen.
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320 East Hyman Ave, 81611, Telephone: +1(970)9205770 | Fax: +1(970)9205780 | Official site